Homosexuality: Background
For my video assignment, I chose a topic that is quite recent and is much talked about in globally. My topic was none other than homosexuality. Homosexuality is easily explained as sexual attraction of a sex to the same sex. Homosexuality, as most people know, has been an ongoing controversial issue in many of the countries in the world. When homosexuality is mentioned, most people only look at same-sex relationships between men. But what most people don’t realize is that there are also women homosexuals in the world.
There is no basis of history as to when homosexuality came about. What we do know is that is has been a long debated topic from eras before when Aristotle and Plato were philosophizing. In fact, both men also mentioned homosexuality in some of their texts but not in detail. All they said was that “it” was abnormal.
Some states in the United States of America have accepted it and in many other countries, the question of accepting it is at standstill because of various factors like religion, culture, law and many more.
I find my topic relevant because homosexuality is a rising issue globally and youngsters must be brought up to date regarding the issue so that they are well prepared to face it and not get a shock when staring face to face with it. Homosexuality has been very much discriminated in the world because of its nature. Thus it is essential that the youngsters know more about homosexuality because it is a rising issue that cannot be hidden.
Concepts of Morality
Like mentioned earlier, homosexuality has been very much discriminated in the world because of its nature. Some parts of the global society support it and some are against it. For those who are for the morality of homosexuality, some of their arguments include the fact that there is no conclusive evidence as to the unnaturalness or immorality of homosexuality. Furthermore, they also feel that homosexual adults are free to engage in private sexuality in any way they see fit. Basically, adults have their rights as to their privacy in their sex life and the type of relationships they choose. Homosexuals are, in the end, still humans and thus, should not be discriminated any more than heterosexuals. Homosexuals as a group have lowered the rates of infection and contagion of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s) so much through their careful behavior. Another fact that those who agree with homosexuality use is that accepting homosexuality doesn’t mean that child abuse or molestation is overlooked. As a matter of fact, most of these crimes are committed by heterosexuals and not homosexuals.
For the parts of the society that are against homosexuality, their argument on its morality is that it is unnatural and perverse. See the fact that those who are against homosexuality have drawn up a conclusion that homosexuality is unnatural without any basis to prove their theories. As they dram up these conclusions, they push these conclusive statements onto others and others condone it. Some argue that homosexuality is morally wrong because it is against the Laws of GOD. This statement shows cultural-biases. Those who came up with these statements are none other than people of the Christian faith, where in the Bible (their Holy Book), homosexuality is seen as committing adultery and is a sin. Another argument that they use is that homosexuality sets a bad example for the young one’ and is dangerous because its devotees may attempt to convert their children to become homosexuals. Some members of society tthat are against homosexuality also argue the fact that homosexuality is entirely responsible for the spread of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Some also argue the fact that homosexuality is offensive to the traditional heterosexual traditions and family values.
My personal take on the issue of homosexuality is that if two men or women are in love with each other, why stop them from doing what they think is right? And so this leads to my video, where I collected information through interviews with college-going students on homosexuality based on these questions.
1. What is your opinion on homosexuality?
2. Do you think the government of Malaysia should accept homosexuality?
3. If you have a friend or family member who admits to being a homosexual, how would you react?
4. Homosexuality has long existed in the world from eras before you were born. Knowing that this is something that has been carried on for past decades; do you think homosexuality should be abolished or let to be carried on?
5. Homosexuals are often laughed at and discriminated heavily. As a friend of a homosexual, would you protect your friend, or act otherwise?
Based on my interviews with the college-going students, I can deduce that they have mixed opinions on the issue. Some are okay and do not have any problems with homosexuality whatsoever because it is an ever growing issue and cannot be avoided. They also show that they don’t mind having homosexual friends are bias towards it in a sense that they would be willing to help any homosexual friends when they are facing any problems. Some others think that homosexuality should be abolished because with the number of homosexuals increasing, so will the number of same-sex marriages and eventually, the population will decrease.
There is no definite conclusion to the ongoing issue of homosexuality. Different people have different opinions on the issue. Some might agree and some might not. Therefore, it is essential that we take the right steps to face homosexuality head on and make decisive conclusion regarding the issue for the betterment of our future generation.
With Love
ALvin MOses